Monday, January 14, 2013

Attempt one FAILED...Moving on...

The flu came rushing through our house and now that everyone has had their turn at being sick it's time to get back to a normal schedule! (Thank goodness!) I missed out on half of the month and half of my goal for organizing the house, so now I am really getting down to business! So here are a few posts all wrapped into one:

1. The first thing that I did was went through the house and cleaned it. I washed walls, baseboards, light fixtures, blinds, did all of the laundry, EVERYTHING! I felt that if I was going to tear apart the house and put it all back together, it should probably be clean to begin with.

2. My next step was to get rid of things that we don't use or want anymore. Last month, right before Christmas, my wonderful Husband purged all of the broken items. (So luckily I didn't have to do much of that). I boxed up everything that we had too many of or just plain didn't use and I am planning on having a garage sale once the weather is bearable here. (If you price as you go, a garage sale is cake later. Might as well do it now instead of having to go through it all again right?). This one was hard because I tend to find things and think I will use it, but I forced myself to get rid of it if I didn't use it in the last year.

3. The next task (that I am still working on) is to go through everything that we have stored. We plan to move at least one more time in our lives and I have moved these storage items from house to house, only to put it back into storage. So, what's the point in keeping it? A lot of what I have kept are baby clothes and while I am not ready to part with all of it, I realized that I can part with A LOT of it and still have PLENTY for our 7 month old and #4 (we just found out that we are expecting again...YAY! =D).

This is as far as I have gotten so far, and I will try to update more regularly as well. The BEST place to find organizing tips is Pinterest! (oh so addicting)! This is what sparked the cleaning and organizing and I definitely plan to use some of the ideas from there. Thanks for putting up with my lack of posting...more to come. I PROMISE! =D


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