Thursday, July 26, 2012

Easiest Pulled Pork that will make you smack........your lips!!!! YUMMMMYYYY

Okay so I know this one isnt all on the "healthy" side but it sure is yummy and easy!!!!! Its PERFECT for a backyard BBQ in the heat we are having this summer!!! You dont have to stand over the grill!!!!

Here's what you will need:

A Large Crock Pot or Slow Cooker
1 ~ 5LB Pork Butt
1 ~ 2 Liter of Root beer
Your favorite BBQ Sauce
Cole Slaw
Hamburger Buns

Here's how easy it is:

Place pork Butt in Crock Pot with 2 liter of root beer set on low cook for 6-7 hours
Remover half of the cooking liquid and discard. Leave half in the crock pot, Add BBQ Sauce, Shred pork using two forks return pork to crock pot continue cooking 1 hour on high.

SERVE!!!! Add cole slaw on top of pork on the bun for a yummy treat, Or simply serve the cole slaw as a side!!!! 

Happy Cooking!!!

~ Opal
The FL half of 2NTM