Ok, so, Me being Italian I love me some pasta ( not stereotyping Italians)!!!! I Love Love Love Love me some GARLIC!!!! ( and I mean Love, Sometimes I wonder how DH sleeps next to me seeing how I literally ALWAYS smell like Garlic and Olive Oil) And I am also apart of AA ( Avocado's Anonymous) Teeheehee!!!
So after picking up the DD's from school yesterday I came home to an order from my all time fave Organic Veggie and Fruit Delivery company, Tampa Bay Organics!! ( www.TampaBayOrganics.com) On Friday I got my menu order but, with my crazy schedule didn't get to look at it and see what was coming on Tuesday... Well I opened it up to a huge surprise!!!
Here is my "bill of lading" lol
3 HASS AVOCADOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in Heaven!!! ( although I may need an intervention soon when it comes to these Green Oval shaped little gems!!!)
So, Here I am Planning tonight's meal and Gee what a surprise, I am craving......Drum roll Please......... Yep You guessed it, Garlic Pasta and Avocado's!!!! Hmmmmmm How am I gonna make that work seeing how both DD's Despise Avocado's ( only for the way they look)
So It came to me, If its a sauce they will never know......So my quest began for Avocado sauce!!!!
I had Rotini in the cupboard and I knew I had a quick fix Alfredo sauce as well.....And Well there is ALWAYS at least 5 Garlic bulbs in my house at all times!!! So I look and look, I scoured all the sites I know, Nothing fit my fancy for the taste I have Imagined in my head all day!!!
So I dug in the fridge and combined some ingredients and recipes and well this is the concoction I came to and lets just say DH and Both DD's Gobbled it up!!! It was even proclaimed by both DD's "this is the best sauce ever Mama!!!" With clear plates and enthusiasm and even asking for more I had to believe them!!!
So here is my concoction and Please Bare with me as I am not good at writing recipes, But I will try!!!
You will need your Grill and Stove top! Food processor, Pots, water and a large serving bowl
3 Hass avocado (medium ripeness)
4 large garlic cloves ( you can use less for a milder flavor)
Sea Salt to taste
Cracked Black pepper to taste
Olive oil
I box of your choice pasta ( I used Rotini)
1.5 cups Alfredo sauce
juice of a lemon
zest of a lemon
1 Roma tomato
Steamed Broccoli
1. Boil your water for your pasta per package directions, cook pasta to Al Dente while you continue through the following steps
1a. Steam your Broccoli while your pasta cooks
2. Cut your avocados in half stem to stern and remove the pits. Brush flesh side with olive oil and place flesh side down on a warm grill until you have a good char or grill marks.
Remove from the grill and cool and and peel skin off of flesh
3. Add salt and pepper to taste, garlic cloves lemon juice to food processor and puree to a sauce like consistency ( it will be slightly thicker than a sauce more like a paste.)
4. Prepare your Alfredo sauce.
5. Add Avocado Mixture to 1.5 cups prepared Alfredo sauce and mix together. warm on the stove top on medium low until slowly bubbling stirring occasionally
6. Drain your Al dente Pasta.
7 Combine Pasta, Broccoli and sauce in a large bowl and mix until all Pasta is Coated.
8. Garnish with Lemon zest , Parsley, Cilantro Or Basil
Voila!!!! A Yummy not so Original way to do Alfredo!!!
Buon Appettito From My Kitchen to yours!!!! :)