HAPPY NEW YEAR! I don't know about you, but I am ready to pack up 2012 and run full speed ahead into 2013! Everyone always has high hopes when they make their New Year's Resolutions (me included), but rarely stick to them....So, my first resolution is to stick to all of my resolutions! Every year I resolve to do something that I have put off, to be something that I think I should be (or to not be something that I shouldn't be), to do this, do that and I always fail! I sat down and reflected on why I always fail and I came to the conclusion that it is because they are empty resolutions. They don't mean enough to me to follow through with, so this year I am making those that resolutions that mean something to me and to my family. So here goes:
1. To be a better wife, mom, daughter and friend.
^--To be quite honest, if this is the ONLY resolution that I stick to this year I will be more than happy.
2. To be more efficient.
^--#1 and #2 are really tied together. In order for me to be a better mom and wife, I need to step up my efficiency and organization.
3. To loose the baby weight.
^--Yes, I know, cliche! But, its an honest goal. I know that I will feel better all around and it doesn't hurt to want to look good for the hubs. =D
To kick off my resolutions, and the real reason for this post, I will start by organizing my house day by day, room by room. I will post before and after pictures and day by day progress for those who want to follow along and do the same with their homes! So stay tuned for Susan's version of "30 Days to an Organized (AND FUNCTIONAL) Home!"
I hope everyone has a safe holiday and a fun night!!
(Photo Credit: http://marian16rox.tumblr.com/post/9437391488 )